What we offer

Our Services

Specialized ride-hailing service simplified for one touch booking. Well trained and verified drivers for better customer experience.
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Simplifying your daily commute with a list of unique features. Experience Hassle-Free booking and comfortable rides!
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Main features

Our Benefits

Ride Types and Rates

Choose Your Ride

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Pocket friendly rides for short distance
As per RTO approved meter*
'.esc_attr__('Logo', 'getcab').'
Pocket friendly rides for your everyday commute
₹18 per KM
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Affordable rides with more comfort
₹20 per KM
₹18 per KM (Promotional Offer)
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Big rides for big group with best comfort
₹22 per KM
₹18 per KM (Promotional Offer)
How can we help you?

Have a Question?

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our high-quality office staff will help you and answer all your questions.
Our address
Sr. No. 111/1, Plot No.34, Ranakpur Darshan, Alandi Road, Pune – 411006 Maharashtra, India
Our Phones
020-66 100 100